From the author:
On a road trip from St. Paul, Minnesota, to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, I stopped for breakfast in a Black River Falls cafe and happened upon a conversation between two men about the Wisconsin town of Tuonela, where they claimed a vampire once roamed the streets.
I introduced myself and asked if they'd mind telling me more. They fell silent, looked at each other, then grudgingly continued. The story they told was so outrageous I decided they must be having fun at my expense. They'd probably meant for me to overhear their conversation; I was their entertainment for the day. Tuonela didn't exist, and we all know vampires don't exist.
In the car I pulled out an atlas and was surprised to find a town called Tuonela on the map. If you were to draw a triangle by connecting Wausau to La Crosse to Portage, Tuonela would be somewhere in the center on the Wisconsin River. That area of Wisconsin was settled by Finns, and if you're up on your Finnish mythology and the Kalevala, you'll know that Tuonela means land of the dead in Finnish.
That left me to ponder about the men and our conversation, and about the vampire they'd referred to as the Pale Immortal. Had they been telling the truth after all? Was I now included in a secret only a handful of people knew? I have no answers to these questions. All I know is that day in the Black River Falls cafe the men told me the town often vanishes, and many don't believe it even exists. In case you think I'm making this up, dig out a map of Wisconsin and try to find Tuonela. Ninety percent of the time it won't be there.
anne frasier
You are trying to spook me, Anne! I know it. And having been on the banks of the Wisconsin River when it is fog-shrouded and positively eerie, I can tell you that you're doing a very good job!
Great idea on this blog!! Focus on the book & creation--awesome!!
anne, i didn't meant to scare you.
wait. yes, i did! hehe
kelly: thanks!
I'm glad you decided to do this blog. :)
I love it, anne. Keep spooking us. Jer
This is freaking me out! :-D
thanks jeff and jer!
alex - LOL! that took me a second, but i got it. :D
I think it was one of those things that *might* have been funnier while it was still rattling around inside my head :D
Nice set up. Now, really, how much of it is true... :)
alex, it was funny here too. :D
rob, it's hard to tell where truth ends and fiction begins... you still believe in the Easter bunny, right? ;)
The preview of the book intrigued me, but this has me hooked. What an incredible story.
I'll be looking for Pale Immortal.
c.rooney: i hope you enjoy it!
Love the video! But I have to tell you, 100% of the time Tuenola is on my map of Wisconsin. :) You did come upon some cool mythology though and I can't wait to read the book!
laurie, thanks so much!
you must have a special map. ;)
Anne Frasier, you are evil.
Evil is good.
daniel, i might have to use that as a quote somewhere.
Very intriguing and interesting. Now I am off to read some more. I am torn. A) I want to try the map thing cause I just HAVE to know if it is true and B) I dont think I want to know if it IS true.
Nicely done.
brilliantdonkey, that's actually the perfect attitude to have regarding the map. :)
Wow, Anne! HOW IT ALL BEGAN is a great story in and of itself! The whole thing is just captivating.
I think Stroud was the best character I mean he barley knew his son and he practically went to go get killed for him. >)
Hey anne,
this is gretchen your cousin from illinois. My mom (susan) bought me on eof your books and it is really great! it is the garden of darkness!!! i am in eigth grade and i am doing it for my book report!! my friend miranda really wants to read it next! She bought pale immortal so we are going to flip flop!! i cant wait well i hope to meet you some time!! I can brag that my sousin is a awesome author haha!!
Are you tired of being human, having talented brain turning to a vampire in a good posture in ten minutes, Do you want to have power and influence over others, To be charming and desirable, To have wealth, health, without delaying in a good human posture and becoming an immortal? If yes, these your chance. It's a world of vampire where life get easier,We have made so many persons vampires and have turned them rich, You will assured long life and prosperity, You shall be made to be very sensitive to mental alertness, Stronger and also very fast, You will not be restricted to walking at night only even at the very middle of broad day light you will be made to walk, This is an opportunity to have the human vampire virus to perform in a good posture. If you are interested contact us on
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I read the book when it first came out and I kept it all these years in my own personal library. So the other day I was going through my books and remembered how I loved this one so now I am reading it again!
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So the author's note, are you legitimately trying to say that the conversation happened and that there is/was a Tuonela? Or is this some sort of added fourth wall layer of creepy similar to how found footage horror films say they're real?
Cause, I live within twenty-five miles of your vague, not really able to determine where, location and do extensive traveling to the surrounding counties by means of county roads, and am a Wisconsin native who has lived and worked in these parts for ages.
I've never heard of Tuonela, never this supposed ghost story, nothing. And... on the off chance that there's some truth to it and the Finnish really did settle oddly out of their areas in the North, I'd like to know about it.
A picture of this atlas or any map with Tuonela on it would be fantastic. I could drive there on lunch.
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